Our services

How we can help you to improve your health.

  • Personal Training

    For those who want to get in shape, build a functional and sustainable body or improve physical performance.
    We train together in the gym at Savoy Hotell, Luleå, or outdoors if that’s what you prefer.

    You can book a package deal with 4-8 training sessions.

    1 PT session: 950 SEK (incl. VAT)

    4 PT sessions: 3700 SEK (incl. VAT)

    8 PT session: 7200 SEK (incl. VAT)

    PT-duo: 2 people

    500 SEK (incl. VAT) per person

  • 3D Movement analysis & advice

    We use the latest technology from Moovment Pro to analyse your posture and movements.

    We give you advice and insights into what exactly you need to do to get a more balanced body strength and better movement control.

    Also suitable for companies that want to invest in the health of their employees.

    Analysis only:
    SEK 450 (incl. VAT)

    Analysis and related advice:
    SEK 900 (incl. VAT)

  • Dietary analysis

    We analyse your current dietary intake and give you individualised advice on how you can eat a healthier diet. This can help you build muscle, change your weight or improve nutritional balance.

    You can choose between 2 packages:

    1 Dietary analysis: SEK 950 (incl. VAT)

    3 sessions- Dietary analysis & nutritional coaching: SEK 2000 (incl. VAT)

  • Massage

    Therapeutic treatments - for better muscle function, more mobility or much-needed relaxation.

    Massage can reduce muscle tension, improve mobility, reduce stress and increase feel-good hormones.

    Massage - 30 min: SEK 550 (incl. VAT)

    Massage - 50 min: SEK 850 (incl. VAT)

    Massage - 60 min: SEK 950 (incl. VAT)

    Package deals also available upon application.

  • Training programs

    Do you need help with a structured plan for your training? We offer digital solutions and ongoing follow-ups via video meetings.

    We have extensive knowledge of the very latest within exercise science, together with many years of experience in creating exercise programs.

    Training program (4-6 weeks) + 3 online coaching sessions

    2000 SEK (incl. VAT)

  • Health for your workplace

    We tailor solutions for your company and your employees.

    Inspiring lectures/workshops, fun exercise sessions or much-needed massage, how can we contribute to your health?

    Movement analyses and preventive advice can detect and fix problems before employees get injured.

    Improve your health together!